Monday, March 31, 2014

Kreis Cygnus

Kreis Cygnus

Kreis Cygnus, the newest Beyblade with a gimmick: a sliding metal frame.

Face: Cygnus. It depicts a swan, but when turned 180 degrees, it becomes a motif of a man wearing a helmet (I think this is really cool). No tattooed face.

Ring: Cygnus. A beautiful energy ring with wing like designs and with a head of a swan. One of the heaviest energy rings due to the iron powder fillings.

Wheel: Kreis. The Kreis wheel is consisted of a core and a metal frame, which can be flipped for defense mode and attack mode.

Defense mode is when the metal frame can slide (about 60 degrees). This helps absorb and deflect attacks.

Attack mode is when the metal frame is fixed upon the core. It can also provide decent defense and attack power.

Track: 145. Nothing special.

Tip: Wide Defense. A defense tip that lets the Beyblade wobble longer than most tips without tipping over.

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